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Refugee Resettlement & Placement Program

A refugee is someone who has fled from his or her home country and cannot return because he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution based on religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.


Refugee Resettlement in the United States

The United States is proud of its history of welcoming immigrants and refugees. The U.S. refugee resettlement program reflects the United States' highest values and aspirations to compassion, generosity, and leadership. Since 1975, Americans have welcomed over 3 million refugees from all over the world. Refugees have built new lives, homes, and communities in towns and cities in all 50 states. 


According to UNHCR's latest statistics, there are approximately 21.3 million refugees in the world. The vast majority of these refugees will receive support in the country to which they fled until they can voluntarily and safely return to their home country. A small number of refugees will be allowed to become citizens in the country to which they fled, and an even smaller number - primarily those who are at the highest risk - will be resettled in a third country. While UNHCR reports that less than 1 percent of all refugees are eventually resettled in third countries, the United States welcomes over half of these refugees, more than all other resettlement countries combined. 


Coptic Orthodox Charities, Inc. (COC) was granted a sub grant from the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration to resettle refugees in the Tampa Bay area. The program time period is 30 days, but can be extended to 90 days.


COC provides the following services before the refugee's arrival to the US:

  • Locate and rent a safe and clean apartment

  • Furnish the apartment

  • Purchase food and stock the fridge


COC provides the following services upon the refugee's arrival to the US:

  • Provide home safety orientation

  • Apply for DCF benefits

  • Enroll the adult refugees in ESOL classes

  • Enroll the adult refugees in Employment Services

  • Apply for Social Security Cards

  • Transport the refugees to the health clinic, fill application and interpret

  • 2nd and 3rd appointments with the health clinic are refugee's responsibility

  • Assistance with registering with Selective Service (male ages 18-25)

  • Register children in school

  • Cultural Orientation

  • Pocket money throughout the first 30 days

  • Assistance in enrolling in ongoing services (e.g. Integration Services, FCST, SSI, Youth Program)

  • Teaching them transportation services in their area.

  • Ensure refugee with acute health care requirements receive appropriate and timely medical attention


The R&P Program's main goal is to assist the refugee to become self-sufficient within 90 days.

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